January 28, 2023 Board Meeting

Dear NCUUCC Community,

We will be having our NCUUCC Board Meeting on January 28th, 2023 at 10am to 1pm on Zoom. If you want to join the meeting, please email president@ncuucc.orgfor the link.

We are working on planning Family Camp 2023! If you would like to step into a leadership role for our community, please fill out this form. This survey is to find out who is interested in these positions, not a guarantee for that position. SURVEY: https://forms.gle/vbxF6CjXqvrosrda7

Our Family Camp 2023 Co-Deans Amanda Payne and Amy Mosely are looking forward to building an awesome team to help lead Family Camp 2023! Reach out to them directly by emailing deans@ncuucc.org

Hope you can join us in making great camps this year!