Announcement Regarding Family Camp 2020

Dear Family Campers and NCUUCC Community,

We hope that this finds you healthy, safe, and supported. We are very sorry to announce that we, the NCUUCC Board, have decided to cancel Family Camp this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This decision did not come easily. Our primary reason for canceling was that, amid the lack of information we have about COVID-19 and the physical closeness we have among our 120+ campers during Family Camp, we cannot ensure the health and safety of our attendees. Additionally, as we are an intergenerational community, with many of our members in higher risk populations, going forward with Family Camp this year is a risk we are not willing to take.

It breaks our hearts that we will not be physically gathering for Family Camp this year. We are staying in communication with the Mendocino Woodlands about possibly having our Labor Day Camp, but at this point it is up in the air. We will let you all know definitive information about Labor Day Camp as we learn more. We are hopeful.

In these chaotic and unpredictable times, connecting with one another is more important than ever. The Family Camp Leadership Team is brainstorming ways to bring some virtual experiences to our community this year. Some of the ideas we are discussing are:

– an online auction (with funds going toward the Mendocino Woodlands

– to support them during this COVID

-19 pandemic that has caused them to be closed until further notice)

– Some volunteer-led workshops over Zoom- Online worship services

– Virtual Campfire Beatles sing-a-long nights (BYO S’mores)

– Posting our talent show acts online

– AND MORE…If you would like to be involved in creating our virtual Family Camp experience, please let us know. We are a wonderfully creative community and we can still share our gifts with one another. 

For those of you who have already registered for Family Camp, all checks will be shredded by our ultra powerful, razor sharp, rotating blades, James Bond rated shredder. If that does not work for you, please email Bernadette at and we will send your checks back to you.

Of course, the other option is to let your checks become Donations to the Woodlands…..if you are feeling extra generous, your tuition money could also be donated. I look forward to hearing from you regarding Donating funds to the Mendocino Woodlands so that they may continue despite these hard times.We are so looking forward to uniting again for Family Camp 2021 (our 50th anniversary)! In the mean time, let’s continue to connect with one another in ways that keep us safe and healthy. Our community spirit is strong, with love and creativity at its core, and we can weather this storm.

Love, The NCUUCC Board and Family Camp Leadership Team